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1·Orbitz was also included and the only online travel agency scrutinized, but didn't receive a passing grade for its mobile website.
Or bitz是唯一接受评估的在线旅行社,但其手机版网站评分却不及格。
2·Every candidate gets a result slip which gives an exact grade gained and tells you if you have passed or failed. Later, successful candidates receive a fine certificate.
3·Note: All required work must be completed satisfactorily for you to receive a passing grade for the course.
4·Missing or late assignments will receive a "zero" grade in evaluating the homework contribution to the final grade.
5·D. program, work is not divided neatly into separate courses, professors do not partition tasks into little assignments, and the student does not receive a grade for each small step.
教授不会把任务细分到很小,学生也不会每个小的阶段都得到一个分数。 你能够自觉的保持向一个目标努力工作,而不需要一天天的鼓励么?
6·In addition, all Cabin Crew (after AB-Initio training) receive an Hourly Flying Pay (HFP), which is grade dependent. This is for each hour of productive commercial flying duty.
7·Quite the contrary, these students know they will be passed from grade to grade until they are old enough to quit or until, as is more likely, they receive a high school diploma.
8·When I have nothing to do at home in the summer vacation, I heard that the school organized some summer activities, the people who participated would receive additional praise for the final grade.
那年暑假我在家很无聊,没什么事做。 听说学校组织一些暑期活动,参加者会受到额外的奖励,并计入期末最终考评。
9·The company long-term production supply various head shears, shaven cut, including low head shears, high-grade three sizes can have you decided on, we can receive orders processing!
10·The only payment we receive when we study is the grade that we get in return, whether it be good or bad.
我们从 学习中得到的惟一回报是成绩, 无论它是好还是差。
更新时间:2025-03-27 08:37